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It gets to be easy and fun to heal and live in joy again!


90 days to play, connect, & live your purpose joyously!


Who said that personal and spiritual growth had to be hard? 

This is going to be fun. 



  • Are you feeling stuck, defeated, or overwhelmed? 

  • Did you lose some of your joy within the past 2 years? 

  • Are you wanting to change your life and outlook but not sure what to do? 

  • Do you have dreams for more but need help with clarity and the steps to take? 

  • Would you like the process to be easy and fun? 


You are going to focus on creativity and intuition to help you shift your life in just 3 months!


You get to live, dream and hope!







Would you like to . . .


  • Find happiness and connect with your inner child through creativity and play.

  • Connect with your intuition and yourself on a deeper level so you can trust yourself to make the right decisions for you.

  • Feel excited to go after your own personal goal.

  • Release past struggles and doubts as you connect with love, joy and peace. 

  • Have an increased level of joy, self love, courage, commitment and confidence. 


Then join me!






You get to play, explore and experiment: all the things we enjoyed as kids. 


This alone will connect you with yourself and joy again. 


You will sit still, get spiritual and connect with yourself. 


You will receive healings, readings and meditations to help you shift your energy and clear blocks.


You will also pick a goal to focus on and take action on it during our time together.


You will change your mindset and feel happier.  


This is a live small group coaching program. 


You will be heard, you will be supported and your questions will be answered.


You will leave this program as a happy, bold, courageous woman who believes in herself 100% and is taking action towards her dreams. 

Star Confetti

This is for you if: 


  • You are willing to show up and do what it takes to achieve the result you want

  • You are spiritual and also willing to take action

  • You actually want change and a better life 

  • You want it to be fun also 


This isn’t for you if: 


  • You are not fully invested in the program and committed to showing up and taking the easy action steps

  • Your excuses are bigger than your mission or purpose in life

  • You don’t want to have fun and do new things

  • You want a quick fix without doing anything yourself 

What we will do: 


  • Easy creative or connection focused challenges that you get to do each week to increase your joy and worthiness 

  • Have Live Small Group Coaching Calls on a Range of Topics that will help you to shift for real to create joy and lasting change in your life 

  • Make a plan for your personal goal and take the steps 

  • Get still, receive healing to shift your energy and clear blocks now 

  • Have fun, be outrageous and connect to your inner child

  • Focus on a positive mindset, spirituality, self love and creativity to create a happier, more fulfilled you who goes after what she wants


Value of over $1200. 


You will also each receive 3 1:1 coaching sessions to remove blocks, make a plan and shift what you need to set you free.


A Guided Meditation to help you to connect with yourself and your intuition daily.


A Workbook for more insight, to keep track of your progress, journal, and more.


A surprise bonus gift you will love!

Here is what Kari has to say: 

Not only has this given me the kickstart I needed to come into my true power, but she has taught me to no longer stay small - to think big about my future and know that I can achieve anything if I just believe in myself. By the end of the 8 weeks, I truly believed it! 


'Wow, I have just completed a program with Crystal Lynn and have seen such major shifts in my mindset, it has been an incredible journey.  When I started, my main objective was to overcome my fear of visibility in my business.  We conquered that and so much more. Not only has this given me the kickstart I needed to come into my true power, but she has taught me to no longer stay small - to think big about my future and know that I can achieve anything if I just believe in myself. By the end of the 8 weeks, I truly believed it! 

Coming from the UK, Crystal made sure we fitted in sessions around the different time zones and always went above and beyond to ensure I achieved my goals. Combined with spirituality, the advice she gave I could relate to every time and that incorporated with accountability meant she had my back at every step of the way. A-m-a-z-i-n-g.'

Here is what Wendy has to say:

My life has changed so dramatically in such a short period of time. I have my confidence back. I have joy again, and a great deal of hope for the future. My relationships are stronger; and, most importantly, I treat myself with compassion instead of beating myself up.

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I was drawn to Crystal during a very difficult period of my life. I was going through a physical, spiritual and emotional ‘dark night of the soul’.

I felt weak, defeated and insecure. 

Even though I am deeply rooted in my faith and holistic healing, I felt that my best efforts were getting me nowhere. I started having flashbacks of childhood traumas that I never acknowledged, which further isolated me from the people I love the most. 

I lost my joy, my confidence and any sense of value.

I’ll admit that I was skeptical about working with any kind of life coach. I’d been through traditional counseling; I’d forgiven the people that harmed me and I had made peace with my past. I tried so hard to stay connected, while subconsciously I was drifting further and further away. So, I became willing to do anything to “come back to life”.

After my initial consultation with Crystal, I felt an immediate sense of relief and hope. She said that if I was willing to invest in myself, that she could help me. So, I took a leap of faith; and it was one of the most life changing decisions that I’ve ever made.

Throughout the coaching program, Crystal really challenged me to question many of my thoughts, feelings, habits, and behavior. I had always blamed myself for not being “more”. 

I was operating on such a subconscious level that there was no way I could have seen what was truly going on. She encouraged me to look at things from a different perspective, and she supported me and believed in me until I believed in myself again.

My life has changed so dramatically in such a short period of time. I have my confidence back. I have joy again, and a great deal of hope for the future. My relationships are stronger; and, most importantly, I treat myself with compassion instead of beating myself up.

There are a lot of Life Coaches that specialize in vocational, spiritual, and emotional limitations. But Crystal Lynn has the unique ability of tailoring her coaching program to the individual needs of her clients. She has an almost angelic light that radiates from the inside out; and I thank God every day for the healing that He has brought through her.

I would strongly encourage anyone that feels “stuck” in any area of their life to give themselves the gift of working with her. 

Here is what Debi has to say:

I went from people pleasing to confident, speaking up and shining brighter. I embraced who I was and showed up authentically. 


After coaching with Crystal Lynn, I shifted in so many ways. 

I went from people pleasing to confident, speaking up and shining brighter. 

I embraced who I was and showed up authentically. 

I stopped playing small and pushed past my comfort zone. 

I took chances that allowed me to find more happiness and success. 

I started dreaming way bigger and took action towards those dreams. 


I appreciate and love myself more fully. 

I show up. I recognize my progress and all that makes me amazing. 

I stopped making excuses and focused on one thing at a time. 

I finished my training and have started to help and heal others as I feel called to. 

I healed the past and opened up my heart more to receive love. Working with Crystal Lynn really helped me to get past some obstacles that I have struggled with for years. 

Crystal Lynn Perez empowers women to heal from the inside out so they are a magnet for love and abundance.


After her divorce, she shared what helped her to ascend and transform her life with her clients. As a Divine Empowerment Coach, she focuses on mindset, spirituality, and self-love in order to help her clients heal from past abuse or disappointments.


Her clients become confident, believe in themselves, and take bold action towards building a life they truly desire.


They stop people-pleasing and they trust themselves to make the right decisions for them.


Crystal Lynn has the unique ability to pour love into her clients while also being direct and honest so they can clear blocks, love themselves on a deeper level, and win at life. 

Still have questions?

Book a Free Call Here:

My Special Sauce:

  • Not every coach is an Intuitive Healer and offers Divine Messages to help you align with your highest good and soul purpose.

  • Is a Reiki Practitioner which can heal or lessen pain or depression, can align your charkas and have you feeling more balanced and energized. 

  • Can clearly see you and easily identify the blocks that are in the way of your success.

  • Will be honest, direct, strong and loving in order to help you have the biggest shift into a more positive life.

  • Teaches positive mindset and spirituality so that you can increase your outlook to more positive, strengthen your self worth, develop your intuition and follow your inner guidance. 

  • Has been through the process of what they teach via life experience and know that it works if you trust and apply it. 

Here is what Michelle has to say: 

I learned to channel my inner power.

Thanks to Crystal, I have increased my self love and raised my vibration.


I came to Crystal at a time in my life when I felt overwhelmed. I had just gone through a painful divorce. I had just been downsized from my company and my self confidence had taken a beating- it seemed like life had attacked me from all sides. Crystal stressed the importance of positive mindset. She was clear that I first needed to assess where I was at – to release, not pretend that all was well. I started taking pride in who I was, who I was becoming a better version of me. First, I changed my thinking from victim mode to warrior mode. I got ready for a fight knowing that I was a woman of worth. I learned to channel my inner power. I grew more confident in my abilities and skills and learned to express them with pride.  Well, interestingly enough – after 2 ½ years of searching, once I became clear on what I wanted in a house (and she encouraged me to dream big) I got the house of my dreams – with every feature I had asked for in my visualization exercise! Incredible! Coincidence? I think not! I now boldly speak my truth. I have improved relationships that were strained to thriving. I stood up for myself in powerful ways and even walked away from relationships that don’t serve me anymore because I was not being valued for my true worth. Thanks to Crystal, I have increased my self love and raised my vibration.

You will leave this program vibrating with joy and more in love with yourself!

You will have completed a goal of your choice and be confident to continue to bring your dreams to life.


You will love the small group atmosphere.


Sign up now, before it's full!  


Pay in full or payment plans available. 

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